News from the Chair
Dear Member,
The photo above is from the third and very successful tournament in support of Breast Cancer Now , which Club member Jill Thompson chairs. It was a great afternoon and many congratulations to all who took part. And a big thank you to Winnie Bridge who led on organisation, and to Alex Heath, Hamid Irshad and Luke Hymas for managing the tennis, and to Manjit Roseghini and her team for all the terrific catering.
Branded Tennis Clothing
You can now purchase a range of Club branded clothing. Just click here. To find a number of items all bearing the Club crest. Well done to Virunee Viravong for arranging this – it was a lot of work but well worthwhile.
Director Juniors
James Ireson is stepping down after three years as Director Juniors, a really important role on the management and care of our thriving junior section. Many thanks, James, we are really very grateful to you. And thanks also to Sean Bidder who is taking over. Sean is a keen tennis player and a parent with two children at the Club. I know he will bring energy and skill to this job.
We had a good meeting with Southwark Council Planners on 24 October and can now see the way forward on the refurbishment of the Clubhouse. There is more preparatory work to be done but we hope to appoint architects soon and then to present our plans to you.
We all suffer from injuries and most of us visit a physio. Tina Talbot, who practices at Dulwich College Sports Club, will give a talk on Common Tennis Injuries and How to Stay Fit on Wednesday 13 November at 7pm in the Clubhouse. She is also offering a 15% discount on her services to Club members. We are talking to other physios who are interested in offering similar discounts.
2025 AGM and the Committee
This will take place on 18 February 2025 at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse. Please put the date in your diaries and try to attend. This is an interesting event and we plan to repeat this year’s formula, where half the meeting is given over to a presentation on the management of tennis at Old College, which went down very well. This is also the chance to stand for a role in the management of the Club. If you are interested do please get in touch – It’s fun and interesting and looks good on your CV!

Finally, a lot of people contributed their cooking to the Breast Cancer tournament. Here is Jean Sutton offering her produce!
Best wishes
Nigel Thorpe
Club Chair.